TMEP / Subject Matter Index T
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- TAC (Trademark Assistance Center)— 108.02
- Taiwan, understanding with the United States— Appendix B
- Tax-exempt corporation— 803.03(c)
- TEAS (Trademark Electronic Application System) ( See Electronic filing through TEAS)
- TEAS Plus— 819 – 819.03
- Telephone communications— 709.04
- Telephone numbers— 1209.03(l)
- Telescoped words— 1213.05(a)(i)
- “Ten-year proviso” of §5 of Act of 1905— 1601.04
- Territorial commerce— 901.03
- TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System)— 104
- Testimony, requests for, referred to Office of General Counsel— 1801.01
- Third parties, inquires from regarding ex parte matters— 1806
- Third party registrations
- evidence of— 710.03
- relevance in determining descriptiveness— 1209.03(a)
- relevance in determining likelihood of confusion— 1207.01(d)(iii)
- Third Protocol— 1205.01(a) – 1205.01(a)(vi)
- Three-dimensional marks— 807.10 ; 1202.02 – 1202.02(f)(ii) ; 1301.02(c)
- TICRS (Trademark Image Capture and Retrieval System)— 109.02 ; 402
- Time between execution and filing— 804.03 ; 1104.10(b)(ii) ; 1108.02(b) ; 1109.11(c)
- Title of a single creative work— 1202.08 – 1202.08(f) ; 1301.02(d)
- Title or degree— 1304.03(b)(ii) ; 1306.04(d)(ii)
- Trade dress— 1202.02 – 1202.02(f)(ii) ; 1202.03 ; 1202.03(f)(iii)
- description of mark— 1202.02(c) ; 1202.02(c)(ii) ; 1202.02(c)(iv)
- disclaimer— 1202.02(c)(iii)
- drawing— 807.10 ; 1202.02(c) ; 1202.02(c)(i) ; 1202.02(c)(iv)
- identification of goods/services— 1202.02(f) – 1202.02(f)(ii)
- product design— 1202.02(a) – 1202.02(a)(viii) ; 1202.02(b)(i) ; 1202.02(f)(i)
- product packaging— 1202.02(a) – 1202.02(a)(viii) ; 1202.02(b)(ii) ; 1202.02(f)(ii)
- section 1(b), applications based on — 1202.02(d)
- sections 44 and 66(a), applications based on— 1202.02(e)
- Trade name— 1202.01
- Trademark Act of 1946
- Trademark assignment, searching— 503.08 – 503.08(a)
- Trademark Assistance Center (TAC)— 108.02
- Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) ( See Electronic filing through TEAS)
- Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)— 104
- Trademark forms— 103
- Trademark Image Capture and Retrieval System (TICRS)— 109.02 ; 402
- Trademark Law Revision Act of 1988— 816.02 ; 901.02 ; 1303.01(a)(i) ; 1602.01
- Trademark Law Treaty Implementation Act, changes to requirements for maintaining a registration— 1602.04
- Trademark manuals— 107
- Trademark Official Gazette
- Trademark searching— 104
- Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) database— 109.01 ; 402
- Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB)
- Trademark website— 102 ; 104 ; 108.01 ; 109.01
- Trademark, definition of— 1202
- Transformation— 1902.10 ; 1904.09 – 1904.09(b)
- Translation
- doctrine of foreign equivalents— 1207.01(b)(vi) – 1207.01(b)(vi)(C) ; 1209.03(g) ; 1211.01(a)(vii)
- entry of— 809.01(a)
- equivalency in— 809.02
- exceptions to rules for translations— 809.01(b) – 809.01(b)(iii)
- of dead or obscure languages— 809.01(b)(iii) ; 1207.01(b)(vi)(B) ; 1209.03(g)
- of document submitted for recording in Assignment Division— 503.03(c)
- of foreign articles or prepositions combined with English terms— 809.01(b)(ii)
- of foreign registration— 1004.01(b)
- of idiomatic expressions— 809.01(b)(i)
- of matter on specimens— 904.06
- of non-English wording in mark— 809 – 809.02
- printing of— 809.01 – 809.01(a) ; 809.03 ; 817
- Transliteration of non-Latin characters in mark— 809 – 809.02
- Treaty or convention relating to trademarks— 1001 ; 1002.03 ; Appendix B
- Trust as owner of mark— 803.03(e) – 803.03(e)(i)
- TSDR (Trademark Status and Document Retrieval) database— 108.01 ; 109.01 ; 402
- Type of commerce— 901.03
- Type of mark, registration in correct category— 1306.06(c)
- Types of applications— 801 – 801.02(b)
- Types of marks— 1202 ; 1300 – 1306.06(c)
- Types of registrations— 1601 – 1601.06
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z