TMEP / Subject Matter Index P
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- Paper submissions, limited exceptions— 301.01 ; 301.02
- Papers not returnable— 404
- Paralegal may not represent parties in the USPTO— 602 ; 608.01 ; 611.02 ; 707.01 ; 708.02 ; 712
- Paris Convention— 1001 ; 1002.03 ; 1205.01 ; Appendix B
- article 6 ter— 1205.02
- Partial abandonment— 718.02(a) ; 1402.13 ; 1403.05 ; 1904.03(d)
- Partial assignment— 501.06 ; 1110.11 ; 1615
- Partners, setting forth names and citizenship of— 803.03(b)
- in TEAS Plus application— 819.01(c)
- Partnership
- Patent and Trademark Resource Centers— 112
- Patents, design and utility— 1202.02(a)(v)(A)
- Payment of fees relating to international applications and registrations under the Madrid Protocol— 1903
- Payment refused or charged back by financial institution— 202.03(a) – 202.03(a)(i) ; 405.06
- Performing artist, name of, as mark— 1202.09 – 1202.09(a)(iii) ; 1301.02(b)
- Period for response
- Person, defined for purposes of §2(a) — 1203.03(a)(i)
- Petition decisions available to public— 110
- Petition to cancel— 1607
- in response to §2(d) refusal — 716.02(a)
- Petition to Director— 1702 ; 1703 ; 1704 ; 1705 – 1705.09 ; 1706 ; 1707 ; 1708
- after refusal of renewal— 1606.14 – 1606.14(c)
- after refusal of §8 affidavit— 1604.18 – 1604.18(c)
- appeal to federal court from— 1705.09
- diligence— 1705.05
- evidence and proof of facts— 1705.03
- fee for— 1705.02
- petitionable matter— 1704
- procedure for— 1705 – 1705.09
- request for reconsideration of denial of— 1705.08
- signature of— 1705.07
- standard of review on— 1706
- standing— 1705.01
- stay of deadlines pending disposition of— 1705.06
- timeliness— 1705.04
- to accept paper submission— 1709 – 1709.03
- to amend basis after publication— 806.03(j) – 806.03(j)(iii)
- to make special ( See Petition to make “special”)
- to reinstate abandoned applications— 1712.01
- to reinstate cancelled registrations— 1712.02(a)
- to reverse examining attorney’s holding of abandonment for incomplete response— 1713.01
- to review denial of certification of international application— 1902.03(a)
- to review denial of filing date— 1711
- to revive ( See Petition to revive abandoned application)
- to waive rules— 1708
- types of— 1703
- Petition to make “special”— 702.02 ; 1710
- Petition to revive abandoned application ( See also Unintentional delay)
- basis for granting— 1714 ; 1714.01(e)
- diligence with respect to— 1705.05 ; 1714.01(d)
- fee for— 1714 – 1714.01(b)
- request for reconsideration of denial of— 1714.01(g)
- requirements for filing— 1714.01 – 1714.01(e)
- time for filing of— 1714.01(d)
- unintentional delay, applicability of— 1714.01(f) – 1714.01(f)(ii)(A)
- unintentional delay, statement of— 1714.01(e)
- Petitionable subject matter— 1704
- “Phantom” elements in marks— 1214 – 1214.04
- Pharmaceuticals or medicinal products— 1207.01(d)(xii) ; 1301.01(b)(vi)
- Piecemeal action to be avoided— 704.01
- Portrait as mark ( See Consent to register by living individual)
- Postal Service, U.S., interruptions of— 305.04
- Postcard, acknowledgment, permitted paper filings— 303.02(c)
- Power of attorney— 605.01 – 605.04 ; 606
- Practice before Office in trademark matters— 602 – 602.03(c)
- Predecessor in title, first use of mark by— 903.05
- Preparation of case for publication or registration— 817
- President of United States, deceased— 1206 – 1206.01 ; 1206.04(a)
- Press inquiries— 1804
- Press releases— 904.04(b) ; 904.04(c) ; 1301.04(a)
- Previous examining attorney, examination approach of— 713.01
- Principal Register
- Prior registrations of applicant
- Prior trademark acts ( See also Act of 1881, Act of 1905, and Act of 1920)
- Priority action
- Priority claim in application for international registration— 1902.05
- Priority claim in request for protection of international registration to the United States— 206.02 ; 1904.01(e)
- Priority claim in §44(d) application
- abandonment of foreign application— 1003.08
- amendment of basis, priority filing date retained— 806.03(h) ; 806.04(b)
- assignment of §44(d) application— 1006
- basis for registration required— 1003.03
- bona fide intention to use mark in commerce must be asserted— 806.01(c) ; 806.02(e) ; 1003 ; 1008
- combined with other bases— 806.02(f) ; 1003.04(b)
- country of origin— 1002.04
- dividing— 1110.10
- drawing— 1011 – 1011.04
- effect of failing to file within six months— 1003.02
- effective filing date of— 206.02 ; 1003.05
- eligible applicants— 1002.02
- establishing entitlement under a treaty— 1002.02 ; 1002.03 ; 1002.04
- filing under both §44(d) and §44(e) — 1003.06
- “first-filed” requirement— 1003.01
- identification of goods/services— 1012 ; 1402.01(b)
- in multiple-basis applications— 1003.04(b)
- inquiry as to status of foreign application— 1003.04(c)
- more than one foreign application— 1003.07
- must be filed within six months of foreign filing— 806.03(b) ; 1003.02
- not limited to country of origin— 1002.04
- one mark per application— 1011.02
- ownership of foreign application— 1005
- priority for publication of— 201.01 ; 1003.05
- requirements for receiving a filing date— 202
- requirements for §44(d) filing basis— 806.01(c)
- retention of priority filing date without perfecting §44(e) basis— 806.03(h) ; 806.04(b)
- suspension pending receipt of foreign registration— 716.02(b) ; 1003.04(a)
- U.S. applicant— 1002.05
- use not required— 1009
- valid basis for registration required— 1003.03
- Priority for publication or issue based on effective filing date— 201.01 ; 1003.05 ; 1208.01
- “Priority Mail Express,” filing of correspondence by— 305.03
- Priority, constructive use— 201.02
- Process, system or method— 1301.02(e)
- Product design— 1202.02(b)(i) ; 1202.02(f)(i)
- Product packaging— 1202.02(b)(ii) ; 1202.02(f)(ii)
- Protest, Letter of— 1715 – 1715.06
- adversarial arguments inappropriate— 1715.01
- appropriate subjects to be raised— 1715.01 – 1715.01(b)
- appropriate evidence— 1715.05(a) – 1715.05(c)
- does not extend opposition period— 1715.04(d)
- filed after publication— 1715.04
- filed after registration— 1715.02
- filed before publication— 1715.03
- post-publication standard of review— 1715.04(a)
- pre-publication standard of review— 1715.03(a)
- recourse after denial of— 1715.07
- requests for copies of— 1715.06
- timely filing of— 1715.02
- Provisional refusal of 66(a) applications— 1904.02(h) ; 1904.03
- PTRC ( See Patent and Trademark Resource Centers)
- Public Records Division of USPTO ( See Document Services Branch)
- Publication for opposition
- amendments after— 806.03(j) – 806.03(j)(iii) ; 1505 – 1505.02(g)
- notice of— 704.01
- of mark in intent-to-use application— 1105
- Publications, marks for
- columns or sections, marks that identify— 1202.07 – 1202.07(b)
- identification of goods— 1402.03(e)
- specimens for— 904.02(c)(iii)
- Publishing of information in Official Gazette and on registration certificate— 817
- Punctuation,
- addition or deletion of— 807.14(c)
- agreement of drawing and specimen— 807.12(a)(i) – 807.12(a)(iii) ; 807.14(c)
- in determining whether a phrase or slogan is unitary— 1213.05(b)(ii)(C)
- in mere descriptiveness analysis— 1209.03(u)
- list of standard characters— 807.03(b)
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