While counterfeiting has been around for as long as genuine goods have been produced, the forces of globalization and technological evolution have increased the scale of the problem in recent years. Several important tools are available to help U.S. brands protect their trademarks in today’s increasingly complex and risky international trade environment.
In this webinar, recorded on July 27, 2023, Harris Bricken attorneys Fred Rocafort and Robert Kossick discuss how brand owners can record their marks with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to help enforce their intellectual property. They also discuss how international trademark registration in key overseas markets and manufacturing locations can strengthen brands’ defenses against counterfeits and other forms of infringement. Topics include:
- The dangers of infringing activity overseas—and what CBP and the U.S. Government are doing about it
- Infringement levels recognized by CBP and how the agency handles each
- What happens when CBP finds a potentially infringing good at the border
- The process for recording trademarks with CBP
- Protections in sales markets and manufacturing locations abroad
View recording here (free registration required).