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INTA Events for Trademark Practitioners

Alt Legal Team | July 10, 2023
2 min read

The International Trademark Association (INTA) is the largest and most significant trade organization for trademark practitioners and brand owners. It was founded in 1878 under the premise:

“to protect and promote the rights of trademark owners, to secure useful legislation, and to give aid and encouragement to all efforts for the advancement and observance of trademark rights.”

INTA is now composed of over 33,500 members, representing 3,300 organizations and 181 countries.

Joining INTA is a must for any trademark professional. Membership provides you with access to INTA resources, networking opportunities, and INTA events. INTA hosts some of the most preeminent events for trademark practitioners to learn about updates in trademark law, to meet and network with global practitioners, and more. This article will go over INTA’s annual events roster so you can determine what events you should attend.

Annual Meeting

Each spring, INTA hosts its annual in-person meeting at a choice destination. Past host cities include: Singapore, Washington DC, Boston, Barcelona, and more. The Annual Meeting (or “INTA Annual”) is typically held at a large convention center where attendees have the opportunity to attend educational sessions on important trademark and business topics, committee meetings, and more. There is also a large exhibit hall with vendors catering to trademark practitioners and law firms from across the globe so that you can expand your foreign counsel network. Throughout the multi-day event, there are many opportunities to network and socialize at dinners and parties hosted by various vendors and law firms. Many events are invitation-only while others are publicly advertised.

Trademark Administrators and Practitioners Meeting (TMAP)

Each fall, INTA hosts the in-person TMAP Meeting which is the premier event for trademark administrators including paralegals, docketing specialists, administrators, and attorneys who manage trademark portfolios. It’s an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments in trademark law and best practices for portfolio management. It’s also a key networking event for trademark administrators to meet contacts and help advance their careers.

INTA Leadership Meeting

In late fall, INTA hosts its annual Leadership Meeting, an invitation-only event for Board members and those who volunteer on committees and project teams. This smaller event allows participants to engage in important discussions around trademark law and to network more closely.

Other Events, Webinars, Conferences, and Roundtables

Throughout the year, INTA hosts many other in-person and online events, including educational webinars geared toward trademark attorneys and administrators. Webinars are available live and on-demand. INTA also hosts a series of business development-oriented networking events in-person and online to help INTA members connect with one another. These events include speed networking, discussion forums, and social events.

Additionally, INTA hosts several conferences each year, held in various international locations. These conferences focus on hot topics in trademark law. Some recent topics include: the business of data, brand resilience, sports and Esports, brands in Asia, Africa innovation and investment, and more. Conferences also offer attendees plenty of networking opportunities.

INTA roundtables are smaller discussion groups held in various international locations, typically hosted by a law firm, where attendees discuss a key issue in trademark law. Some roundtable discussions are held virtually, but most are in-person. Some recent roundtable topics include: wellness in the practice of law, enforcement and anticounterfeiting, commercialization of brands, and more.

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