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Alt Legal Blog

Your source for news, updates and guidance on all things trademarks and intellectual property.

I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #331

Bri Van Til | April 04, 2023
2 min read

Ethical Dilemmas

When done correctly, referrals can be a win all around, but what are the ethics of legal referrals? Join us for this webinar in August to find out.

If you missed this Alt Legal Connect ethics session about trends in IP malpractice claims, be sure to watch the recording.

This author argues that while the internet is too far gone, the metaverse might still have potential if “robust—and enforceable—laws and ethical guidelines” are implemented there.

If you just can’t get enough of ethics (and really, who can?!) watch this recorded webinar about trademark ethics concerns.

What ethical issues apply to the selection of IP docketing software?


Adidas initially opposed Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation’s trademark application because it included three stripes, but they’re donning their famous shoes to walk it back.

The majority of cases brought before the Copyright Claims Board thus far have been dismissed. Here are the top mistakes filers have made.

Major League Baseball struck out when it filed word mark applications for BOSTONSEATTLE, and HOUSTON. They made it to the bottom of the seventh (day) before abandoning the applications.

If the first time you file a patent infringement suit, you do so poorly you’re ordered to pay the defendant’s attorney fees, you should probably think twice the second time. Or the fifth.

If you’re uncertain when to advise a client to franchise—rather than license—IP, don’t miss next month’s webinar.


What lessons can we learn from the MetaBirkin trademark infringement case?

A web3 domain company filed a trademark application for .SWOOSH as a TLD. Surely that won’t cause any confusion or face opposition.

The UKIPO has issued classification guidance for NFTs, virtual goods, and other products and services in the metaverse.

Is the metaverse turning into the Meh-taverse?

Professional Concerns

If you’ve been shopping around for just the right opportunity, maybe you should put this position as senior marketing counsel in your Instacart.

Calling all Practical Law students: this division of Thomson Reuters is looking for an IP and tech intern this summer.

If you’ve always want Adobe counsel for a tech company, consider this position.

Make the trek on over to this site to apply to be an IP attorney at Voyager.

Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.

Odds and Ends

Here’s a breakdown of the major issues argued before the Supreme Court in Abitron v. Hetronic.

Congress has included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act a reduction in patent application fees for small and micro entities.

The title for this INTA event about NIL session makes me so happy!

One interesting way to combat illegal narcotics is to charge the suspects with counterfeiting and trademark infringement

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