I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #289
Bri Van Til | May 17, 2022

Do the Right Thing
Read about this great program Finnegan has put together to teach college students about IP; it’s inspiring! Did you know that Meta has a similar program aimed at diversifying the patent world?
There really is a way to help diversify the law school population and secure your own personal cache of punny trademark gear, thanks to the Trademarket.
How can you support the USPTO’s pro bono program?
McDonald’s and Renault are getting out of business in Russia. What that means for the companies’ IP in Russia is still undetermined.
At the PTO
For patent applications, it’s important to designate an entity status, but what makes an entity large, small, or micro?
It looks like the USPTO is two weeks ahead of schedule in starting to issue exclusively digital trademark registration certificates. Like the paper certificates? You can order one for $25.
The USPTO is investigating changes in design patent protection for digital assets.
Looking for ways to increase your clients’ IP protection? Come to this webinar to learn how copyrights, patents, and trade dress can help.
Throw a Counterfeit
Customs agents in Indianapolis seized a shipment of over $10 million worth of counterfeit Rolex watches. I wonder if the agents got a crown for that achievement.
Nike is suing StockX for trademark infringement, both for allegedly selling counterfeit Nike shoes and for the retailer’s NFTs that feature Nike trademarks.
Some people end up with counterfeits because they’re duped. Others apparently seek them out and love owning them.
Professional Concerns
The USPTO is looking for a trademark advising attorney. I’d advise you to consider it!
Make sure you’ve Boxed up all your belongings from your old job before starting as assistant general counsel for this retailer.
If Great Minds think alike, does that mean when you’re working there as assistant counsel, everyone is thinking about the work you’re doing? How do they do their own jobs?
Wanting to give your current job the axe? Hatchette Book Group is looking for counsel.
Rove on over to this site to find out more about working as senior counsel for Mars. The job is out of this world!
If you get this job as senior counsel for IP, you have to fist bump me. Why? ‘Cause in at JCPenney, in for a pound.
Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to community@altlegal.com, and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.
Odds and Ends
How important are trademarks for businesses who do business with the government?
It looks like Uber is planning to move into the travel booking space, but UberRE opposes the move and has filed suit to prevent what it alleges is trademark infringement
The Supreme Court has declined to resolve a circuit split about how much similarity in music is too much.
The Arizona Board of Regents attempted to sue an Instagram user for trademark infringement for allegedly using ASU’s logo in inflammatory posts. The 9th Circuit said nah.
ComicMix is set to publish a book of previously unpublished Dr. Seuss stories that the group says has entered the public domain.