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Alt Legal Blog

Your source for news, updates and guidance on all things trademarks and intellectual property.

I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #388

Bri Van Til | June 11, 2024
2 min read

You’ve Got a Thing to Learn

Jealous that you didn’t get to take a course about Taylor Swift when you were in law school? You can now download the course materials from one.

The WHO, WIPO, and the WTO are having a joint webinar. If they just had two more organizations starting with W, they could call it the 5 Ws. And they could answer all your questions. It’ll be wonderful.

If you have questions for a current USPTO Trademark Examiner, make sure to attend this virtual office hours event.

This month’s webinar about trade dress will fit in nicely with your trademark practice. I hope to see you Thursday!

Trademark Administrators

Do paralegals and other TMAs need to worry that AI is here for their jobs?

INTA has just released its beginner Trademark Administrator (TMA) course. Check it out here.  I hear the section on technology is especially good.

Don’t miss my AMA-style discussion with famous TMA Deborah Hampton tomorrow. This time we’re discussing distinctions in job titles and terminology (including the now infamous term “nonlawyer”).

Here is a great list with more resources for paralegals and TMAs—including the Trademark Administrators’ Exchange.

Not So Fast (Food)

After a 9-year battle, Supermac’s has won its EU trademark battle against McDonald’s, barring the latter from using the term Big Mac for chicken burgers. To learn more about trademark enforcements in the EU, check out this webinar in a couple months.

Years after pulling out of Russia and having their branding coopted, Starbucks has applied to register its marks in the country.

The Delhi High Court has ruled that DONITO’S infringes DOMINO’S trademarks. Also, I might point out the linguistic similarity between the mark they wanted to register and the phrase “don’t eat those.”

Professional Concerns

Taste the feeling of having a job you like: become a senior trademark paralegal for Coca-Cola.

The Patent Hatchery is looking for a trademark attorney. You’d be an eggs-elent choice for them.

What’s the Mattel with you that you haven’t already applied for this film and television counsel position?

Feel like your current job isn’t going Anywhere? Consider this trademark counsel position instead.

Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.

Odds and Ends

This explanation of how ROSÉ AGAINST THE MACHINE became an obstacle for the band RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE is an amusing reminder about the significance of trademark maintenance.

WTR’s rankings are out! Make sure to congratulate your friends and colleagues from the lists of top corporate and private practice professionals.

This isn’t a trademark problem, but Martha’s Vineyard may soon run out of cannabis. You could say their supply has gone up in smoke.

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