I ♡ Trademarks Newsletter Issue #361
Bri Van Til | November 07, 2023

Big and Small
The Supreme Court heard arguments about the TRUMP TOO SMALL trademark application, and things aren’t looking good for the applicant.
Hugo decided to Boss around a small cheer club in Canada. The owners thought they’d complied with the fashion giant’s demands, but they say the multi-billion-dollar company had their Instagram account deleted.
Unilever and a nonprofit supporting teens with cancer have settled their trademark dispute about “Not Done Yet.” Um, I guess they are done yet.
Tales from the Crypto
Can the blockchain be used to help startups protect their IP?
For an overview of blockchain technology and the NFTs built on it, check out this recorded webinar from the heyday of NFTs.
Sam Bankman-Fried has been found guilty of fraud, but before that was announced Above the Law argued that this sketch of the crypto founder represents the industry as a whole.
Swift Trademarks
Taylor Swift has filed over 350 trademark applications, making her a stellar example for celebrities and also fantastic fodder for trademark attorneys looking for website content.
Travis Kelce has recently applied for five new trademarks, likely showing the influence of his superstar and super-trademarking girlfriend.
Thanks in part to her new movie and her ingenious IP strategy, Taylor Swift is now estimated to be worth over a billion dollars.
Professional Concerns
I’m sure you’ve Red Bullish job listings, but this post for an IP attorney is anything but.
Drop(box) everything and apply to be head of IP for this tech company.
If you thought a position as VP of IP was a Kymera, look no further than this listing.
Whether you have actual gripes with your current job or you’re just being salty, Hershey is looking for salty snacks counsel. Yep, I think that’d be your title.
Getting a job as corporate counsel at Mattress Firm will put a spring in your step. Also, I just want to say how much I appreciate the name of this company.
Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to community@altlegal.com, and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.
Odds and Ends
On Thursday INTA is hosting this discussion of the top takeaways from this year’s TMAP and a preview of next year’s conference. I hope to see you there!
Major sports leagues are pushing to amend the DMCA to require enforcement to be done “instantaneously or near-instantaneously.”
The USPTO has updated the TMEP. See a summary of the changes here or the full TMEP here.
A recent USIPA study found that 70% of Americans don’t understand the distinctions between patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.
President Biden has issued an executive order about artificial intelligence; check out a summary here and the whole order here.
If you missed our fantastic webinar about Mexican trademarks, watch the recording here.