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Your source for news, updates and guidance on all things trademarks and intellectual property.

I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #344

Bri Van Til | July 11, 2023
2 min read

That’s Appealing

As we’re awaiting the ruling in the TRUMP TOO SMALL appeal, it might be worth considering whether our existing trademark laws are “too small” to deal with free speech issues.

In Abitron v Hetronicthe Supreme Court held that the Lanham Act did not apply because the alleged infringement occurred outside of the US. The justices were divided on what the extraterritorial bounds should actually be, though.

A Delaware judge has invalidated the patents for a Novartis drug; the company says it will appeal the ruling.

An Indian court has rejected PepsiCo’s appeal to patent the potato seeds it uses for Lays.

Protecting Your Assets

What sorts of short phrases can be protected, and what is the best strategy for obtaining that protection?

The USPTO has released information about the extent of its data breach: it estimates over 60,000 filers’ addresses were inadvertently made available for several years.

The Federal Circuit is considering whether to redefine or clarify what makes a patent obvious.

Would addressing patent abuse help lower the costs of prescription drugs?

Do the Right Thing

A New Jersey judge is being investigated for his series of TikTok lip syncing videos, many of which were filmed in his courtroom or while he was wearing his robes.

This ex-convict turned attorney has started a unique pro bono practice: he helps inmates file patent applications.

A D.C. discipline committee recommended that Rudy Giuliani be disbarred for his alleged role in attempts to derail the 2020 presidential election.

Professional Concerns

Chase your dreams as a VP and assistant general counsel of IP at this banking company.

Are you looking to help an IP firm manage its professional development? Go Fish (and Richardson).

Check out this smoking hot position as trademark and copyright counsel at Philip Morris.

You might like your current job, but Finnegan, this position as a trademark staff attorney could be better.

Destination Pet—is that like a destination wedding, so you’d only have the dog or cat while on vacation?—is looking for associate counsel.

All work and no Playstation makes Jack a dull senior counsel.

Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.

Odds and Ends

What is “defensive lawyering,” and how can it prove problematic for clients?

Alt Legal CEO Nehal Madhani is moderating a webinar panel exploring the issue of how AI might impact IP practice. Learn more and sign up here.

Beware of your emoji use: a thumbs up is basically the same thing as a signature on a contract, according to a Canadian judge.

After their failed attempt to tack live music onto their trademark application for APPLE MUSIC, Apple’s entire application has been denied.

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