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Alt Legal Blog

Your source for news, updates and guidance on all things trademarks and intellectual property.

I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #309

Bri Van Til | October 04, 2022
2 min read

Bully for You

Ben & Jerry’s is alleging that manufacturing giant Unilever “covertly” moved its trademarks in violation of their merger agreement.

Small Indian bakery chain Happy Belly is celebrating its trademark win over Amazon.

A judge in India has ordered the preemptive blocking of over 13,000 sites to proactively prevent the pirating of one movie.


Here’s an overview of the opportunities and IP challenges that the metaverse brings.

How do you get an infringing NFT taken down? What do you do about trademark infringement in the metaverse? Come to this Alt Legal Connect workshop for guidance. If you don’t have your ticket for Alt Legal Connect yet, get one today. Use the code “newsletter” for a discount.

In case you missed our webinar a few months back about trademark issues in the metaverse, you can find the recording here.

Check out this metaverse trademark information session hosted by trademark attorney Ruky Tijani.

Sound and Color

What’s all this you’ve been hearing about sound marks?

To learn more about sound marks, check out former USPTO trademark examiner John Miranda’s sound advice about audio trademarks.

Danish artist Hannibal Andersen objects to corporations registering trademarks for colors, so he’s created a protest art piece using the registered colors.

There’s a big to-do in Poland about Allegro’s trademark application for a specific shade of reddish orange.

A Swiss court has ordered German discount retailer Lidl to stop selling gold foil-wrapped chocolate bunnies and to destroy their inventory because of trademark infringement against Lindt.  I’ll volunteer to make the inventory disappear… into my belly!

Professional Concerns

Ro on over here to apply to be senior counsel for this health care innovator.

Whether you find this company’s application process Intuitive or not, you should consider serving as their IP counsel.

Zillow—which, when you think of it, could be a company that manufactures pillows that help you get your ZZZZZs—is looking for litigation counsel.

If you work as counsel for this healthcare company, could you be found guilty of aiding and Abetting?

The Postal Service (the government agency, not the band) is looking for an IP attorney. I hope this listing delivers for you.

Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.

Odds and Ends

Apparently there’s a delay in shipping Fords not because of delays in any of the 30,000 parts that make up the vehicle but because they’ve run out of Ford emblems to affix to them. I guess that’s an error they can’t afford.

The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand won’t allow Oatly to trademark the word BARISTA.

Senators Manchin, King, and Lankford have introduced the Trademark Licensing Protection Act.

Peloton and lululemon have reached an agreement in their dispute about a women’s clothing line. Good thing the case didn’t spin out of control!

3M has launched a platform to help customers verify the authenticity of their products.

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