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Alt Legal Blog

Your source for news, updates and guidance on all things trademarks and intellectual property.

I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #302

Bri Van Til | August 16, 2022
2 min read

Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems

The 9th Circuit upheld summary judgment for lululemon in Aliign Activation Wear’s $20 million reverse confusion lawsuit against them.

An attorney in India has spent more than two decades fighting being overcharged by about 25¢, but he’s finally won his case.

Treasury Wine recently defeated a Chinese “copycat” brand, which both knocked out that competitor and raised their stock prices. You might say it was a wine-win situation for the company.

Making Art History

Lawmakers in Canada are considering reforming copyright laws so that artists receive royalties on resale on their works.

The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments about whether Andy Warhol’s use of images of Prince were sufficiently transformative or whether they constituted copyright infringement.

New York has passed a law to require museums to display notices for artistic works that were looted by Nazis.

Stolen Goods

NFTs may be nonfungible, but they’re apparently still susceptible to theft.

Australians are arguing that the country needs to do more to address IP theft.

Karma is accusing DeLorean of stealing its IP. They didn’t even allegedly travel through time to do it.

Professional Concerns

Current job have you all Bentley out of shapely? Consider applying to be associate counsel for this engineering software company instead.

If someone asks how your new senior counsel position is going, you can tell them you haven’t Benz there long but that you like it.

Wondering whether to apply to be associate counsel at Nike? Just do it!

You’d need to iron out the details, but I’m sure it’d be great to work as general counsel for FE.

Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.

Odds and Ends

If you missed our great webinar last week about expanding your portfolio internationally, you can find the recording here.

Check out all the great sessions we’re offering at Alt Legal Connect next year. It’s going to be amazing, so join us!

Not surprisingly, Harpo, Inc. is having none of the Oprahdemics Podcast. I have a cease and desist for you and a cease and desist for you!

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