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Your source for news, updates and guidance on all things trademarks and intellectual property.

I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #300

Bri Van Til | August 02, 2022
2 min read

Keep It 300

In honor of the 300th issue of the I ♡ Trademarks Newsletter, we thought we’d share with you some interesting trademarks related to the number 300 and a bit about the newsletter’s history.

Look back on the first issue of Alt Legal IP News, which would later become the I ♡ Trademarks Newsletter. It was originally authored by Hannah Samendinger. I took over about three years ago: see my first (sadly devoid of puns) issue here.

This looks to be the oldest live 300 trademark, filed in 1956, but not to be confused with ORIGINAL 300. In case you’re curious how to find trademarks in TESS, check out this article.

While there doesn’t seem to be a trademark related to the movie 300, Warner Media does have a trademark for 300 for a music and movie studio.

Is there a better way than this to end this section?

World Association

Here are the official forms for trademarks in Myanmar. For a great recap of the developments of the new Trademark Law of 2019, check out this article.

To learn how to expand your portfolio internationally as well as how to docket your international matters in Alt Legal, make sure to join us for this webinar next week!

The UAE has seen a huge surge in trademark applications so far this year.

Filing trademark applications in other jurisdictions can be a way to secure rights in the US without tipping your hand to competitors or the eager public.

For more help with international trademark registrations, check out the Alt Legal Resource Library.

Been There, Pun That

I didn’t conceptualize this newsletter, but I did bring in the puns.  Here are a few great pun-related trademark articles.

What did the trademark lawyer say to her husband? Je ™. Check out more great trademark jokes here.

Almost a decade ago (yeah, 2013 was almost a decade ago, friends; I’m sorry to remind you!) IP Kat had an IP pun competition.

Check out this great punny cease and desist responding to a punny (albeit allegedly infringing) beer.

The Federal Circuit is not amused by cannabis puns. They just don’t see the POTential in them. I know: my jokes are unbelieva-bowl. BTW: to learn more about trademarks for intoxicating substances, check out this resource page!

This pun is great. And yeah, ship happened in 2020!

Professional Concerns

If you aren’t particularly attachéd to your current career, consider serving as a USPTO IP attaché in Johannesburg.

Life takes [being a trademark paralegal at] Visa.

BASF wants to create chemistry for a better future with you as their IP counsel.

If someone asks what you do, you could answer: “I Amcor to this company’s IP team!”

Lloyd & Mousilli—not to be confused with Muesli—is looking for a trademark associate. I’m sorry. Did that joke make you Groanola?

Imagine you get this job as IP counsel at Genus and you suggest that they change their name to Genius. Then you can tell people: it was just Genus before I came along!

Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.

Odds and Ends

Counsel from many big tech companies have created Adapt, an organization dedicated to increasing diversity, inclusion, and equity in IP law.

K-Pop boy band BTS has put their blood, sweat, and tears into IP, and their portfolio is dynamite.

The trademark battle between the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts has been settled beyond a reasonable scout.

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