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Your source for news, updates and guidance on all things trademarks and intellectual property.

I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #291

Bri Van Til | May 31, 2022
2 min read

Resources for Clients

Publishing helpful content and resources on your site is a great way to acquire clients. Join us for Alt Legal Connect in February to learn how Kyonna McGee used content creation to build a 7-figure law practice. Use the code “newsletter” for a discount.

If you’re looking for a great article to help clients understand why it is important to secure trademark registrations, check this one out.

Here’s a good example of how to explain trademark trolling to clients to encourage them to file early and often.

What IP issues should companies consider when performing due diligence as part of an M&A transaction?

Character Development

Seth Green was about to launch a show starring Bored Ape, but Green’s NFT that included the likeness and usage rights was stolen.

If you’re really into movies that cut out excess things like character development, Fast Movies (10-minute movie edits) might be for you. Unfortunately, movie companies want none of that.

Oh bother. Winnie the Pooh is in a sticky situation: he’s the star of a new slasher film. I guess the public domain is a scary place!

Cultural Sensitivity

Walmart has pulled its Juneteenth ice cream from the shelves after the company faced backlash and claims of cultural appropriation and exploitation.

How should you advise clients who come to you to register culturally sensitive or seemingly appropriating terms? We’ll have a panel at Alt Legal Connect dedicated to helping you answer that exact question. Get your ticket now! Use the code “newsletter” for a discount.

At Alt Legal Connect 2020, Ticora Davis talked about how to educate examiners about the cultural relevance of clients’ marks. Check out the writeup of the brilliant session and find a link to the recording here.

In its response to Taco John’s trademark infringement lawsuit, Taco Chon’s argued that there can’t be likelihood of confusion since Taco John’s is not actually Mexican Food.

Professional Concerns

Eat up this job as IP and marketing counsel at Albertsons. And by “eat up,” I mean apply for. It’s basically the same thing.

This position as senior counsel should have (NBC)Universal appeal.

I like IP associate counsel who work at Abercrombie & Fitch. And it’s fly when they stop by for the summer. I’m pretty sure those are the lyrics to the song.

When you get this job as a senior trademark legal assistant at Arnold Porter, you can sit around all day drinking mixes of lemonade and iced tea. Oh wait. That’s an Arnold Palmer. Close enough.

Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.

Odds and Ends

Read all about the USPTO’s new Inclusive Innovation initiative.

In Upsolve v. James, the SDNY has found that advice by nonattorneys was not UPL; it was free speech. Read the order here.

If you get in trouble with your state bar association, are you required to report it to the USPTO?

The government in Quebec is tightening French-language requirements for signs in the region, including for unregistered trademarks.

Don’t forget to join us for our punderfully described but truly educational webinar on Thursday, where former USPTO trademark examiner Rachael Dickson will provide strategies for registering cannabis trademarks.

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