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Your source for news, updates and guidance on all things trademarks and intellectual property.

I ♡ Trademarks NewsletterIssue #283

Bri Van Til | April 05, 2022
2 min read

Foot. Where?

The USPTO refused a trademark application for CLEAR for shoes that are not transparent, calling the mark “deceptively misdescriptive.” The owner is appealing to the Federal Circuit.

Off-White has successfully registered a trademark for the red zip tie it attaches to its clothing and shoes.

Disney has registered a patent for technology that would identify and track park guests’ shoes. If they use it to track sneakers, it’s definitely creepy.


Don’t forget to join us for our webinar this Thursday to learn all about WIPO trademarks, including when to use Madrid as opposed to single country registrations.

If you’re INTA hanging out with us, make sure to stop by Booth #322 or schedule a demo with our team!

Did someone say a free ethics CLE webinar? Sign up now for next month’s webinar, where you’ll learn all about how to avoid the trademark ethics issues most likely to keep you up at night.

The USPTO is hosting a whole series of webinars about IP protection in Mexico, including a webinar tomorrow about patent protection.

I’m dying to tell you what amazing sessions we have in store for you at Alt Legal Connect in February. But trust me: it’s going to be great. Get your tickets while early-bird pricing is still available. Use the code “newsletter” for a discount.

Here’s a recording of a webinar about global music copyright infringement issues.

Yeah, That’s Fair

This case involving a screenshot of part of a photograph raises interesting questions about fair use and defendants’ attorneys’ fees.

A district judge has ruled that’s posting of laws and other public documents is fair use.

Former President Trump may be compelled to testify in a copyright infringement suit alleging he used the song “Electric Avenue” without permission. Trump’s attorneys claim fair use of the song.

The Supreme Court will decide about Andy Warhol’s use of a photograph of Prince—and about the role of judges as art critics.

Professional Concerns

This is the HubSpot to be if you want to be assistant counsel.

Someone told me Abbott this opening for a senior trademark paralegal for this medical technology company.

Canva get a job as IP counsel for this software company? I hope so!

Just Amgen what it’d be like to serve as senior IP counsel for this biotech company.

Coin Homes is looking for counsel. In case. you’re curious, they are a tech company that allows folks to use cryptocurrency to buy real estate. They do not, unfortunately, operate vending machines where you put in a quarter and out pops a cute little house.

Go places as an IP transactions attorney at Toyota.

Here’s an Amazon job opportunity to work as IP counsel for the retail giant.

Have an open role on your team? Send a link to your job listing to [email protected], and we’ll publish it in our next newsletter.

Odds and Ends

The USPTO just hosted a webinar about filing expungement and reexaminations. Find the summary of their webinar here. If you’re looking for guidance for filing your first expungement or reexamination proceeding, see our detailed guide here, and don’t forget to see here what’s worked and what hasn’t thus far.

An openly trans judge has been appointed in California, making her the first such in the nation.

The first cases about NFTs and IP rights are making their way to the courts now.

Ukraine has extended its IP deadlines until 90 days after the declared end of martial law.

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