Alt Legal's IP Resources
Alt Legal’s innovative trademark docketing software requires us to have a deep and thorough understanding of trademark law. Along the way, we create and share resources to share with trademark and IP practitioners.
Alt Legal Blog — Our blog is a go-to resource for all things trademarks and intellectual property. Content is written by the Alt Legal team and expert guest bloggers and is updated regularly.
Alt Legal Resource Library — Organized by topic, the Alt Legal Resource Library contains our full collection of resources ranging from blog articles to Alt Legal Webinars to Alt Legal Connect sessions, all of which cover important topics relating to IP practice, law practice management, and IP news and current events.
IP Resources — Curated by the Alt Legal team, this page contains a list of useful websites and practical resources.
International Trademark Law Resources — To support your international trademark law research and projects, we’ve compiled a list of our resources on international trademark law and practice, including blog articles, webinars, and Alt Legal Connect session recordings.
e-Book: Introduction to USPTO Trademark Prosecution — A comprehensive resource that you can add to your library to help you learn the USPTO trademark prosecution process. Great for new and experienced trademark professionals alike, it is full of links to other helpful Alt Legal resources so you can dig deeper into key topics