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Assessing Trademark Docketing Software Reviews

Alt Legal Team | November 23, 2021
5 min read

Online reviews carry a lot of weight. Consumers heavily rely on reviews to help inform their purchases for both business and personal use. Glowing 5-star reviews can help sway a customer, whereas enough negative 1 and 2-star ratings can strongly dissuade a purchase. Knowing how important customer reviews are, sellers vie for 5-star Amazon and Google reviews and work diligently to maintain their status. However, fake online reviews are a massive problem. Not only are they deceptive and confusing for consumers, but they are damaging to brands.

When selecting trademark docketing software, it’s important to understand how to vet trademark docketing software reviews. Trademark docketing software is a niche product meant for highly-skilled professionals and if part of your decision-making process involves consulting trademark docketing software reviews online, you want to be sure that the trademark docketing reviews you are reading are legitimate and being left by similarly-skilled trademark professionals like yourself. Here are some simple tips you can follow to ensure that you are getting reliable information to inform your purchase:

Consult several trademark docketing software review sites

There are a number of websites where you can find reliable trademark docketing software reviews including Capterra and G2. Compare ratings for trademark docketing software on these sites to determine if the trademark docketing reviews are consistent. You might find that one site contains all 5-star reviews whereas another contains just a handful of mediocre reviews. If you find that the reviews between the two sites are consistent, in all likelihood, the reviews on both sites are legitimate and worth your while to consider. For example, Alt Legal has a 4.9-star rating on Capterra and a 4.8-star rating on G2. The numerous and consistently high reviews indicate that both websites contain legitimate information for your consideration. Also, it’s important to assess the number of trademark docketing software reviews left on any given site. Be sure that ratings are based on a decent sample size and are consistent. For example, if there is just one rating and it’s 5-stars, that is a positive start, but you’ll need to investigate further. If a rating is 3-stars based on a handful of positive trademark docketing reviews and one negative review, the negative review may be an outlier. Be sure to check trademark docketing reviews across multiple sites to get the best sample size and look for consistency among reviews.

Investigate who is writing the trademark docketing software review

Some review sites have processes in place to vet trademark docketing software reviews. Capterra, for example, has a team that manually evaluates each review before publishing it to their website. Capterra’s team verifies the reviewer’s identity, checks for conflicts of interest, and assesses the review against their site guidelines. Additionally, Capterra is vigilant about removing fraudulent reviews including:

  • Paid reviews solicited by the software vendor for their own software or for a competitor’s software
  • Reviews submitted on behalf of actual users without their consent
  • Reviews written by individuals without experience with the software
  • Reviews submitted by the software vendor for their own software

If a trademark docketing software review site does not appear to have a vetting process in place, or even if they do, and you would like to do your own investigation into who is writing the review, you could certainly perform an internet search of the reviewer’s name to learn more about their background and work experience to gain a better understanding of how they might be using the trademark docketing software that you are considering. Perhaps a reviewer works at a trademark law firm about the same size as yours and is having a positive experience or perhaps the reviewer practices in the same area of IP as you do, trademarks or patent; either of these criteria would be good indicators that the software might be a good fit for your organization as well. Even better, perhaps the reviewer is someone you know or someone who is a 2nd contact on LinkedIn who you could connect to or is part of industry organizations like International Trademark Association (INTA) or American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). Reaching out to a known contact for a personal product recommendation is the best trademark docketing software review source you could ask for.

Look to the substance of the trademark docketing software reviews

Sometimes a negative trademark docketing software review isn’t what it seems. You need to dig a little deeper to understand why a reviewer left a negative review. Sometimes it’s a matter of miscommunication, a consumer believing that software would have certain capabilities, but in fact it did not. Also, many times consumers leave negative trademark docketing reviews if they are unhappy with the price of software. While the price may not be in that particular reviewer’s budget, you might find that the software is priced very reasonably for your needs. Another common reason for a user to leave a negative review is due to poor customer service. Of course, customer service is an essential consideration when making any purchase, but keep in mind that the product or service might be quite good and the individual may have had a particularly negative experience with customer service. In situations like this, you’ll need to do your own research and determine if the customer service issue is broad reaching, or if the negative review might have just been a one-off issue.

Also, when it comes to the substance of trademark docketing software reviews, be mindful of the default sorting order. Often, the default sort order is pay- or bid-based. This will result in a skewed set of reviews that appears prominently, showcasing the best trademark docketing software reviews, hiding less positive reviews. Check if the trademark docketing review site has a sort order for reviews and try out the different variations to be sure you’re getting a full picture of the various trademark docketing software reviews that have been left.

Cross-check reviews with website case studies and testimonials.

Once you’ve read through trademark docketing software reviews, you can check a vendor’s website and confirm if the site validates external reviews. For example, a vendor may feature Testimonials, Customer Stories, Case Studies on its site. You may find expanded versions of trademark docketing software reviews in these featured sections to give you more detail about the reviewer and their experience with the docketing software. For example, Alt Legal features a Customer Stories section on its site showing a variety of customer reviews, affirming the positive trademark docketing software reviews on external sites.


Consulting trademark docketing software reviews is undoubtedly a useful exercise when making an important purchase for your IP and trademark practice. Be sure to look at multiple, reputable trademark docketing software review websites and consult trademark docketing reviews with a critical eye. Look for consistency among trademark docketing software reviews, patent docketing software reviews, and IP docketing software reviews generally and be sure to investigate the source of the review. Consider reaching out to reviewers for a personal product recommendation, particularly if you know the reviewer or could easily be connected to them.

Trademark docketing software reviews can provide a wealth of knowledge and information as you assess various products and we’re glad to help you navigate this process. Should you have any questions about selecting the best IP docketing software for your organization, our knowledgeable team is here to help. Reach out to us at [email protected].

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