TMEP / Subject Matter Index I
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- Identification of goods/services— 1402
- accuracy of— 1402.05
- advertising services— 1402.11(i)
- ambiguous— 1402.07(b)
- amendment of portion— 1402.13
- amendment permitted to clarify or limit— 1402.06 – 1402.06(b)
- amusement apparatus— 1401.11(b)
- association services— 1402.11(c)
- award programs— 1402.11(j)
- bonus programs— 1402.11(h)
- broad terms in— 1402.03 ; 1402.03(a)
- certification mark— 1306.02(c)
- charitable services— 1402.11(d)
- clarification of— 1402.06 – 1402.06(b)
- classification— 1401
- collective membership mark application— 1304.02(c)
- components or ingredients— 1402.05(a)
- computer programs and software, recorded or downloadable— 1402.03(d)
- computer services— 1402.11(a)
- consulting services— 1402.11(e)
- date of changes to USPTO ID manual— 1401.13
- deletion of items from— 1104.10(b)(iii) ; 1107 ; 1108.02(d) ; 1109.13 ; 1402.06(a) ; 1604.09(b) ; 1609.03 ; 1613.09(b)
- dietetic substances— 1401.11(d)
- distribution of video tapes, audio tapes, and videodiscs— 1402.11(f)
- electric/electrothermic goods— 1401.11(a)
- entitlement to filing date with respect to— 202.02 ; 1402.02
- final refusal pertaining to— 714.05(a)(ii)
- food additives— 1401.05(e) ; 1401.11(c)
- “full line of”— 1402.03(c) ; 1902.02(f)(i)
- game-playing apparatus— 1401.11(b)
- general guidelines— 1402.01(a)
- geographical indication terminology appearing in— 1402.03(g)
- gift baskets— 1401.05(a) ; 1902.02(g)(iii)
- house mark— 1402.03(b) ; 1902.02(f)(i)
- identical language in more than one class not permitted— 1401.05(c)
- in amendment to allege use— 1104.10(b)(iii)
- in international application— 1902.02(f) – 1902.02(f)(ii)
- in request for extension of time to file statement of use— 1108.02(d)
- in response to IB notice of irregularity— 1902.07(c)(ii)
- in statement of use— 1109.13
- in §44 application may not exceed scope of those in foreign registration— 1012 ; 1402.01(b)
- in §66(a) application— 1402.01(c) ; 1904.02(c) – (c)(v)
- inappropriate in collective membership mark application— 1304.02(c)
- inclusive terminology in— 1402.03(a)
- industry terms— 1402.03(f)
- information services— 1402.11(b)
- kits— 1401.05(a) ; 1902.02(g)(iii)
- limitation of list of goods/services in international registration— 1904.02(e)(ii) ; 1904.03(g) ; 1904.15 ; 1906.01 ; 1906.01(e)
- limiting by amendment — 1402.06 – 1402.06(a)
- location of— 1402.01(d)
- manual of acceptable identifications— 1402.04
- marketing services— 1401.11(e) ; 1402.11(j)
- marketing and advertising— 1402.11(i)
- meal replacements— 1401.11(d)
- medical vs. non-medical goods— 1401.05(b)
- moving goods/services between companion applications— 1402.08
- negative language in— 1402.06(a)
- online publications— 1402.11(a)(x)
- “ordinary-meaning” test for determining scope of— 1402.07(a)
- parenthesis and brackets should not be used in— 707.02 ; 1402.12
- printed publications, downloadable or recorded— 1402.03(e) ; 1402.11(a)(x)
- recorded entertainment services— 1402.11(g)
- registered marks appearing in— 1402.09
- scope of, for amendment purposes— 1402.07 ; 1402.07(d) ; 1402.07(e)
- services— 1402.11
- specificity of terms in— 1402.01 ; 1402.03 ; 1402.03(d) ; 1402.03(e)
- systems— 1401.05(d)
- trademark protection system terminology appearing in— 1402.03(g)
- trademarks/service marks appearing in— 1402.09
- unacceptable amendments— 1402.15
- unambiguous— 1402.07(c)
- Immoral or scandalous matter— 1203.01
- Improper use of registration notice— 906.02
- Inadvertently issued registration— 1109.15(a) ; 1503.04 ; 1609.10(a) ; 1904.14
- Incomplete application materials— 204 – 204.03
- Incomplete response to Office action— 611.05(a) – 611.05(c) ; 718.03 – 718.03(b) ; 1713.01 – 1713.02 ; 1714.01(f)(ii)(A)
- Incontestability
- affidavit of (§15) ( See Affidavit of incontestability)
- effect in examination— 1216.02
- Indexing against recorded document not permitted— 503.07
- Individual as applicant
- Individual, living, name or likeness of ( See Consent to register by living individual)
- Individuals who may practice before Office in trademark matters— 602 – 602.03(c)
- Informal application materials— 204 – 204.03
- Informal communications with examining attorney— 304.01 ; 709.04 ; 709.05
- Information, examining attorney’s request for— 814
- Informational matter
- Initial examination
- must be complete— 704.01
- of intent-to-use applications— 1102 – 1102.04
- Inquiry
- Insignia, refusal to register mark comprising— 1204
- Inspection of Office records— 109 – 109.03 ; 503.08
- Institutions, defined for purposes of §2(a)— 1203.03(a)(ii)
- “Insurance” extension of time to file statement of use— 1108.03 – 1108.03(a) ; 1109.16(c) – 1109.06(d)
- Intent-to-use applications ( See also Amendment to allege use, Notice of allowance, Request for extension of time to file statement of use, and Statement of use)
- allegation of use required prior to registration— 1103
- assignment of— 501.01(a)
- averments— 804.02 ; 806.01(b) ; 1101
- distinctiveness under §2(f)— 1212.09
- initial examination of:
- color marks— 1202.05(h)
- configuration— 1202.02(d)
- drawings— 807.12(a) ; 1102.02 ; 1104.10(b)(vi) ; 1109.12
- for use as mark— 704.01 ; 1102 – 1102.01
- identification of goods/services— 1104.10(b)(iii) ; 1108.02(d) ; 1109.13
- ornamentation— 1202.03(e)
- product design or packaging— 1202.02(d)
- publication of— 1105
- Supplemental Register— 1102.03
- trade dress— 1202.02(d)
- under §§1, 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d), 2(e)— 1102.01
- Inter-American Convention— 1001 ; Appendix B
- Interference, petition to declare— 1208.03 – 1208.03(c) ; 1507
- “Internal inconsistencies,” amendment of drawing to cure not permitted— 807.14(d)
- International Alphabetical List— 1401.02(c)
- International applications for registration— 1902 – 1902.07(f)
- certification by USPTO— 1902.03
- classification in— 1902.02(g) – 1902.02(g)(iii)
- color claim— 1902.02(e)
- description of mark— 1902.02(k)
- drawing— 1902.02(d)
- examination by IB— 1902.06
- fee for— 1902.02(i)
- form for filing— 1902.02(a)
- identification of goods and services— 1902.02(f) – 1902.02(f)(ii)
- irregularities in— 1902.07 – 1902.07(f)
- requirements for complete international application— 1902.05
- requirements for date of receipt in USPTO— 1902.02
- International Bureau— 1900 (introductory text)
- International fees— 1903.02
- International registrations— 1901
- application for— 1902 – 1902.07(f)
- as basis for §44 application— 1016
- cancellation of, by International Bureau— 1904.08 ; 1906.01(e)
- central attack— 1902.09
- changes to— 1906.01 – 1906.01(i)
- correction of— 1904.03(f) ; 1904.14 ; 1906.01(f)
- date of— 1902.04
- dividing— 1906.01(a)(iv)
- in general— 1901
- invalidation— 1904.07
- limitation in list of goods/services— 1904.03(g) ; 1904.15 ; 1906.01(e)
- renewal of— 1905
- restriction of holder’s rights of disposal— 1906.01(b)
- who can file— 1902.01
- International trademark agreements— 1001 ; Appendix B
- Internet domain names, marks comprising— 1209.03(m) ; 1215 – 1215.10
- Internet evidence— 710.01(b)
- Interruption of U.S. Postal Service— 303 ; 305.04
- Interview with applicant or attorney— 709 – 709.06
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