TMEP / Subject Matter Index C
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Canadian attorneys and agents— 602.03(a)
- Cancellation
- of inadvertently accorded filing date— 204.01
- of international registration— 1904.07 ; 1904.08
- of notice of allowance— 1106.03
- of registration for certification mark— 1306.04(e) ; 1306.04(f)(i)
- of registration for failure to file affidavit of continued use— 1604 ; 1604.04
- of registration under §8— 1604 ; 1604.04
- of registrations under §14 or §37— 1607
- of registrations under §71— 1904.10
- surrender of registration for— 1608
- Catalogs as trademark specimens— 904.03(h)
- Certificate of extension of protection of international registration— 1904.05
- Certificate of mailing procedure
- correspondence returned by U.S. Post Office— 305.02(g)
- date used to determine timeliness— 305.02(e)
- effect of— 305.02(e)
- eligible correspondence— 305.02(a)
- location of certificate— 305.02(c)
- mailing requirements and address— 305.01
- non-receipt of correspondence by PTO— 305.02(f)
- wording of certificate— 305.02(d)
- Certificate of registration
- Certificate of transmission ( See Facsimile transmission, certificate of)
- Certification division of USPTO ( See Document Services Branch)
- Certification mark
- amendment to different type of mark— 1306.06(b)
- amendment of certification mark statement in registration— 1609.12
- based on foreign registration— 1306.02(a)(iv) – 1306.02(a)(iv)(A)
- cancellation of prior trademark registration as prerequisite to issuance of certification mark registration— 1306.04(f)(i)
- cancellation of registration for— 1306.04(e)
- certification statement— 1306.03(a) ; 1306.05(b)(i)
- certification versus performance of services and sale of goods— 1306.04(b)
- characteristics of— 1306.01(c) ; 1306.04(c)
- circumstances surrounding use of— 1306.04(c)
- classification of goods/services in application to register— 1306.02(d) ; 1401.03(d) ; 1902.02(g)(ii) ; 1904.02(b)
- collective mark, distinguished from certification mark— 1306.06(a)
- dates of use— 1306.02(a)(i)(A)
- definition of— 1306.01
- distinguished from other types of marks— 1306.01 ; 1306.04(b)(ii) ; 1306.06(a)
- drawing requirements for— 1306.04(a)
- examination of application to register— 1306.04 – 1306.04(f)(i)
- exercise of control— 1306.04(b)(i) ; 1306.05(b)(ii)
- extension of protection of international registration— 1306.02(a)(v) ; 1904.02(d)
- foreign registration, basis for registration of certification mark— 1306.02(a)(iv) – 1306.02(a)(iv)(A)
- geographic term used to designate regional origin— 1210.09 ; 1306.05 – 1306.05(c)
- geographically deceptive term not permitted— 1306.05(e)
- government as applicant for— 1306.05(b)(ii)
- grounds for cancellation under §14, applicability to examination— 1306.04(e)
- identification of goods or services— 1306.02(c)
- in §66(a) application— 1306.02(a)(v) ; 1904.02(d)
- indication of regional origin versus description of goods— 1306.02(c)
- labor performed by specific group or individual, term used to certify that— 1306.01
- not registrable as trademark, service mark, or any other type of mark— 1306.04(f) – 1306.04(f)(i)
- ownership of— 1306.04(b)
- patent licenses, use of trademark or service mark by patent licensee distinguished from— 1306.04(b)(iii)
- purpose is to certify, not indicate source— 1306.01(b)
- quality control by owner not a requirement— 1306.01(a)
- same mark not registrable as other type of mark— 1306.04(f) – 1306.04(f)(i)
- special elements of applications for— 1306.03 – 1306.03(c)
- specimens— 1306.02(a)(i)(B) ; 1306.04(c) ; 1306.04(d) – 1306.04(d)(ii) ; 1306.05(b)(iii)
- standards— 1306.03(b)
- statement of control over use of mark— 1306.02(b)(i) – 1306.02(b)(ii) ; 1306.04(b)(i)
- statement of what mark certifies— 1306.03(a) ; 1306.05(b)(i)
- statement that applicant does not market/produce the goods/services— 1306.03(c)
- title or degree not a certification mark— 1306.04(d)(ii)
- uncertainty as to type of mark— 1306.06
- use is by others— 1306.01(a) ; 1306.02(a)(i)(A) ; 1306.03(c)
- verification language in application to register— 1306.02(b) – 1306.02(b)(ii)
- Certification or certified copy of foreign registration required for §44(e)— 1004.01
- Chain of title— 502.01 ; 502.02(a) ; 504.03
- Change of attorney— 604.04
- Change of correspondence address— 503.01(b) ; 609.02 – 609.02(f)
- Change of filing date of application— 204.03 ; 205 ; 206.01 ; 206.04 ; 1711
- Character or person, as mark— 1202.09 – 1202.09(b) ; 1202.10 – 1202.10(a) ; 1301.02(b)
- Check, returned unpaid
- affidavit of continued use or excusable nonuse (§8)— 405.06 ; 1604.06(c)
- amendment to allege use— 405.06 ; 1104.10(b)(vii)
- application filing fee— 202.03(a) ; 405.06
- extension of time to file statement of use— 405.06 ; 1108.02(c)
- renewal fee— 405.06 ; 1606.05(c)
- statement of use— 405.06 ; 1109.15(a)
- Checklist, application— 818
- Checks, in general— 405.02
- Citation of Decisions and USPTO Publications— 705.05
- Citizenship of applicant— 803.04
- Claim of priority ( See also Priority under §44(d))
- amendment to add— 806.03(b) ; 1003.02
- form of— 806.01(c) ; 806.01(e) ; 1003 ; 1904.01(e)
- in application for international registration— 1902.05
- in request for extension of protection of international registration— 206.02 ; 1904.01(e)
- Claiming benefits of Act of 1946 under §12(c)— 1603 – 1603.03
- Class headings— 1401.02(a)
- Classification of goods/services
- amendment after publication— 707.02 ; 1109.14 ; 1505.02(b)
- amendment after registration— 1401.02 ; 1609.04
- amendment from U.S. to international classification system— 1401.02 ; 1601.06 ; 1609.04
- amendment not permitted in §66(a) application— 1401.03(d) ; 1505.02(b) ; 1609.04 ; 1904.02(b)
- amendment of— 707.02 ; 1401.03 ; 1401.03(b) ; 1401.04(b) ; 1403.02 ; 1403.02(b)
- cannot be changed in §66(a) application— 1306.02(d) ; 1401.03(d) ; 1505.02(b) ; 1609.04 ; 1904.02(b)
- certification mark— 1306.02(d) ; 1401.03(d) ; 1902.02(g)(ii) ; 1904.02(d)
- changes based on 8 th – 10 th Nice Agreements— 1401.09 – 1401.12
- collective mark— 1303.01
- collective membership mark— 1304.02(d) ; 1401.03(d) ; 1902.02(g)(ii) ; 1904.02(d)
- criteria for determining— 1401.02(a) ; 1401.05
- designation by applicant normally accepted— 1401.03(a)
- designation by International Bureau in §66(a) application controls— 1401.03(d) ; 1904.02(b)
- designation by Office— 1401.03(b)
- in application for international registration— 1902.02(g) – 1902.02(g)(iii)
- in §66(a) application— 1401.03(d) ; 1505.02(b) ; 1609.04 ; 1904.02(b)
- international system— 1401.02 – 1401.02(c)
- plurality of uses— 1401.05(c)
- republication not required after amendment— 1505.02(b)
- services— 1401.02(a) ; 1402.11
- short titles of classes— 1401.02(b)
- should be designated by applicant, if known— 1401.03
- Clear error— 706.01 ; 1109.08 ; 1706
- Closings of USPTO, unscheduled— 309
- Coat of arms, refusal to register mark comprising— 1204
- Collateral estoppel— 1217
- Collective mark, in general ( See also Collective membership mark and Collective trademarks and service marks)
- Collective membership mark
- application requirements— 1304.02 – 1304.02(d)
- classification— 1304.02(d) ; 1401.03(d) ; 1902.02(g)(ii) ; 1904.02(d)
- control over use of— 1304.02(a)(i) – 1304.02(a)(i)(A) ; 1304.02(b)(i) – 1304.02(b)(ii)
- definition— 1302
- distinguished from other types of marks— 1302 ; 1304.01 ; 1306.06(a)
- examination of application to register— 1304.03 – 1304..03(c)
- history of— 1302.01
- identifications— 1304.02(c)
- in §66(a) application— 1904.02(d)
- ownership of— 1302.01 ; 1304.03(a)
- purpose of— 1304.01
- refusal to register— 1304.03(b) – 1304.03(c)
- specimens for— 1304.02(a)(i)(C)
- title or degree designations compared with— 1304.03(b)(ii)
- use is by members— 1304.01 ; 1304.02(a)(i) ; 1304.02(a)(i)(B)
- who may apply— 1304.03(a)
- Collective organization
- nature of collective organization— 1302 – 1303
- use of collective mark by members of— 1302 ; 1303.01(a)(i) – 1303.01(a)(ii)
- use of trademark or service mark by— 1305
- Collective trademarks and service marks
- application requirements— 1303.01
- control over use of— 1303.01(a)(i) – 1303.01(a)(i)(A) ; 1303.01(a)(ii) – 1303.01(a)(v) ; 1303.01(b)(i) – 1303.01(b)(ii) ; 1303.02(a)
- definition— 1302
- distinguished from other types of marks— 1302 ; 1303 ; 1306.06(a)
- examination of application to register— 1303.02 – 1303.02(b)
- manner of control— 1303.01(a)(i)(A)
- ownership of— 1303.02(a)
- specimens for— 1303.01(a)(i)(C)
- use is by members— 1303.01(a)(i) ; 1303.01(a)(i)(B)
- Color
- amendment of color features of mark— 807.14(e) – (e)(iii)
- as a mark— 1202.05 – 1202.05(i)
- as a separable element of a mark— 1202.05(c)
- black, white or gray shown on drawing— 807.07(d) – (f)
- drawings of— 807.07 – 807.07(e) ; 1202.05(d) – 1202.05(d)(iv)
- functional color marks not registrable— 1202.05(b)
- gray— 807.07(d) – (f)
- in the mark— 807.07 – 807.07(e) ; 1202.05 – 1202.05(i)
- lining— 807.07(g) ; 808.01(b) ; 1902.02(e)
- location statement— 807.07(a)(ii)
- must be claimed as feature of the mark— 807.07(a) ; 807.07(a)(i)
- special considerations for color marks— 1202.05(g)
- specimens for marks comprising— 904.02(c)(ii) ; 1202.05(f)
- Color claim— 807.07(a) – 807.07(f)
- Columns or sections of publications, marks that identify— 1202.07 – 1202.07(b)
- Combined affidavit under §§8 and 15— 1605.05
- Combined application— 1403 – 1403.07
- abandonment of— 718.02(a) ; 1403.05
- addition of class number(s) in— 1403.02(c)
- amendment of— 1403.02
- correction of class(es) in— 1403.02(b)
- deletion of class(es) from— 1403.02(a)
- division of ( See also Division of application)— 1403.03
- filing fees for— 810.01 ; 1401.04 ; 1403.06
- refusal as to fewer than all classes in— 1403.05
- requirements for— 1403.01
- single certificate of registration issued, unless application divided— 1403.01
- specimens for— 904.01(b)
- Commerce
- Commercial name— 1202.01
- Commissioner, change of title— 1701
- Companion applications and registrations— 702.03(a) – 702.03(a)(iv)
- “Company”
- Compliance with other laws— 907
- Component or ingredient, mark used to identify— 1402.05(a)
- Composition material of goods— 1402.05(b)
- Computer programs and software, recorded or downloadable
- identification of— 1402.03(d)
- specimens for— 904.03(e)
- Computer services, identification of— 1402.11(a) – 1402.11(a)(xii)
- Computer software as service mark— 1301.02(f)
- Computing period for response to action— 310
- Concurrent use registration— 1207.04 – 1207.04(g)(i)
- not permitted in §44 and §66(a) applications— 1207.04(b)
- Conditional assignment— 503.01(e)
- Configuration of goods or packaging— 1202.02 – 1202.02(f)(ii)
- Conflicting applications— 702.03(b) ; 705.03 ; 718.07 ; 1207 – 1207.03 ; 1208 – 1208.02(f)
- Conflicting marks— 702.03(b) ; 1207 – 1207.03 ; 1208 – 1208.02(f)
- Congressional inquiry— 1802
- Consent agreement— 714.05(d) ; 715.03(b) ; 1207.01(d)(viii)
- Consent to register by living individual— 813 – 813.01(c) ; 1206 – 1206.05
- Connection with goods or services— 1206.02
- Implicit consent— 1206.04(d)
- Must be personally signed— 813 ; 1206.04(a) – 1206.04(b) ; 1206.04(b)
- Must be written consent to registration— 1206.04(a)
- Name or likeness is that of living individual— 813.01(a) ; 1206.01
- Names and likenesses that do not identify particular living individual— 813.01(b) ; 1206.05
- Not required if consent of record in prior registration— 1206.04(c)
- Presumed from signature of application— 1206.04(b)
- Printing of statement— 813.01(a) – 813.01(c)
- Sample statements— 813.01(a) – 813.01(b)
- Statement required in TEAS Plus application— 813 ; 819.01(o)
- Updating TRAM database— 813.01(a) – 813.01(c)
- When inquiry required— 1206.03
- Written consent must be personally signed— 813 ; 1206.04(a) – 1206.04(b)
- Conservatorship as owner of mark— 803.03(e)
- Constructive use— 201.02 ; 1904.01(g)
- Control over nature and quality of goods/services— 1201.01 ; 1201.03 – 1201.03(a)
- Convention or treaty relating to trademarks— 1001 ; 1002.01 – 1002.05 ; 1900 ; Appendix B
- Copending (companion) applications— 702.03(a) – 702.03(a)(iv)
- Copies of documents, when acceptable for filing— 302.01
- Copies of materials in files, requests for— 111
- Copies of trademark applications and registrations, requests for— 111
- Copying materials in files— 109.03
- Corporation
- Correction of drawing— 807.13 – 807.16
- Correction of errors in cover sheet or recorded document— 503.06 – 503.06(f)
- Correction of errors in international registration— 1906.01(f)
- Correction of mistake in name of applicant— 1201.02(c)
- Correction of mistake in registration— 1609.10 – 1609.10(b)
- Correspondence address— 609 – 609.03
- Correspondence for trademark applications— 302.03(a)
- Correspondence for trademark registrations— 302.03(b)
- Correspondence, not received by USPTO— 305.03(d)
- Correspondence, returned as undeliverable— 403
- Correspondence, with whom held— 609 – 609.03
- Country of origin— 1002.04
- Courier service, delivery of correspondence by— 307
- Court orders concerning registrations— 1610
- Cover sheet required for recording in Assignment Division— 503.03(e)
- Credit card— 405.01 ; 405.06
- Charges refused or charged back— 202.03(a) – 202.03(a)(i) ; 405.06
- Cultivar names— 1202.12
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z