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Alt Legal WebinarTake the Cry out of Crisis: Preparing Your Firm for the Unexpected

Alt Legal Team | April 13, 2021
2 min read

In business, reputation is everything. It only takes one misstep to cause irreparable damage to a law firm. The question is not “if” but “when” something big will come up: things happen, mistakes happen, crises happen, and succession happens. Negative revenue reports, layoffs, professional misconduct or malpractice, political alignments, loss of senior leaders, the departure of a practice group and attorney-rainmakers with large books of business, and cybersecurity data breaches are just some of the scenarios that have necessitated reputation management in recent years. What is your law firm doing to proactively protect its most valuable asset, its reputation, and protect the firm when succession looms? In this program, Gina Rubel—a PR whiz and the founder and CEO of Furia Rubel Communications—addresses:

  • How to plan for a law firm crisis,

  • How to plan for succession, and

  • How to protect a law firm’s digital footprint.

Watch recording here (registration required).

You can download all of the webinar materials here.


Speaker Bio:

Gina F. Rubel, Esq. is the professional that corporate and law firm leaders call upon for high-stakes public relations, media training, crisis communications, and incident-response support, including high profile litigation media relations. An attorney and public relations expert, Gina leads Furia Rubel Communications, an agency that provides law firm marketing, public relations, reputation management, and content marketing. Contact her at [email protected] or @GinaRubel.

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